(3-D) Design problem #3: Modular Tessellation
(2D Design) Typography
(3-D) Design Problem #1
(2D Design) #4 Illustrations from lyrics
Northgate AP Art Students, you can get updated with your summer homeworks and post your works here! See examples of former student work at http://nhsapportfolio.blogspot.com/
The above is Design Problem#5
I made a cell phone for this project. i though it was contradicting how i used stone to make something that was technoligy made. I have not yet glued on My mixed midea art for this project becasue i am waiting to get Super Glue to make sure it wont fall apart.I designed this phone from the phone that go destroyed to take it parts from.The intena goes up and down as well.
Design Modilar tessellation#3